Episode 9: Uncovering Nagasaki, Japan

In this episode, we being our adventures exploring Kyushu, Japan with an overnight stay in Nagasaki. Nagasaki enjoys a rich history as being one of the initial inroads for European explorers, culture and goods into Japan. In fact, prior to the Portuguese establishing a port there in the 16th century, Nagasaki was a small fishing village pretty much secluded from the rest of Japan. From there, Nagasaki grew in importance as one of the few open ports of trade between Japan and the rest of the world during Japan’s period of isolation.

Nagasaki offers a variety of amenities and attractions to suit any discerning traveler, from the mysterious Gunkanjima to the serene Glover Gardens and numerous parks and shrines. A beautiful port city surrounded by lush rolling mountains, Nagasaki boasts one of the most spectacular cityscapes, especially in the evening atop Mt. Inasayama which is considered one of the top vantage points in all of Japan. Of course, a visit to Nagasaki would not be complete without a stop at the Nagasaki Peace Park and Museum – a somber memorial to the tragic past of the city but also a strong message of hope for a better future.

Episode 8: Magical Kyushu, Japan

In this episode, we start our exploration of one of our favorite countries, Japan. Japan is comprised of over 6,000 islands, but the four main islands where the bulk of the population of Japan live are Honshu, Hokkaido, Shikoku and Kyushu. Most travelers to Japan typically begin their adventures in Tokyo, Osaka or other large cities on the Honshu. We were fortunate to take a trek away from the typical and dive into Kyushu, the third largest and southern-most of the main Japanese islands.

Kyushu offers an amazing mix of old-world and modern Japanese culture nestled among dramatic seascapes, serene mountains, active volcanoes, and world-class “onsens” or hot springs to reinvigorate the soul. With this episode, we cover the basics on where to go, what to see, what to eat and even how to get around via rental car. Be sure to check out our Destinations page for pictures of some of the most interesting places we visited. If your travel plans include Japan, please consider a visit to Kyushu, enjoy!